HarperCollins - Ollie's Easter Eggs Board Book
Gossie, Gertie, BooBoo, and Peedie are all dyeing Easter eggs. Ollie wants Easter eggs too and he has a plan on how he'll get them! Humor and vibrant ink-and-watercolor illustrations fill Olivier Dunrea's holiday follow-up to Merry Christmas, Ollie. Dunrea again gets the preschooler emotions exactly right, capturing a range of holiday-inspired feelings, from Ollie's wiggly impatience to be included to the pure joy of the older goslings discovering that Ollie has arranged the best Easter egg hunt of all. Includes sheet of colorful stickers!
Author: Dunrea, Olivier
Subtitle: An Easter And Springtime Book For Kids
Series: Gossie & Friends
Lower age: Nwbrn
Editorial Category: Board Book